In 2003, the journalist Vicky Ward profiled Jeffrey Epstein, the financier indicted Monday on charges of sexually abusing and trafficking underage girls, for Vanity Fair. Her piece painted him as an enigmatic Jay Gatsby type, a boy from a middle-class family in Brooklyn who had scaled the rungs of the plutocracy, though no one could quite figure out how he made his money. It detailed dubious business dealings and mentioned that Epstein often had lots of beautiful young women around. But it left out Ward’s most important finding.

Jared Kushner may have an ethics problem – to the tune of $90m

Since Kushner entered the White House, a firm he founded has received over $90m in foreign funds. The public has a right to know the sources.

Everyone Else Felt Just As Uncomfortable As You Watching That Kushner Interview

White House senior adviser and President Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner gave a wild and revealing interview to Axios that aired Sunday on HBO. During the back and forth, Kushner revealed, among a plethora of other things, that he’s given the Saudi government a pass for the murder of a Washington Post journalist and that he might not call the FBI if Russia requested another meeting.

Melania Trump’s Guests Booted for Ivanka, Tiffany, Donald Trump Jr., Eric, and their Spouses at SOTU: Report

First lady Melania Trump’s chosen guests to the State of the Union address were evicted from their planned seats to accommodate her husband President Donald Trump’s adult children and their spouses, according to a report highlighting similar instances in the family’s U.K. state visit.

Kushner’s biographer just demanded an immediate investigation into Ivanka and Jared

The author of a best-selling book on Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner has some urgent advice for members of Congress investigating the Trump administration: follow the money trail in the finances of the president’s eldest daughter and her husband.

Former Chief of Staff John Kelly Says Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump ‘Have to Be Dealt With’

John Kelly did not appear to be the married advisers’ biggest fan

All the President’s Bloodsucking Relatives

Even after Trump won the presidency, Jared Kushner was embarrassed by his father-in-law, according to Vicky Ward’s terrific new book, “Kushner, Inc.”

All Hail President Javanka!

While other reporters waste their time examining Donald Trump’s public statements, interviewing his high school classmates and poring over legal filings, investigative reporter Vicky Ward has produced the definitive book on our current president.

Netanyahu, Trump and Putin: A Love Story

The Israeli prime minister has worked hard to grow his political bromance with the presidents of Russia and the US.

Qataris are ‘genuinely afraid of Jared’ extortion scheme and fear ‘their sovereignty is under threat’: Kushner biographer

Senior White House advisor Jared Kushner “may be extorting the nation of Qatar” — for one billion dollars — investigative journalist Vicky Ward reported.